To log in to the trading terminal MT4, you will need to fill in the following data:
- Login - trading account number. You can find it on the accounts page.
- Server - Mtrading-Live for real accounts, Mtrading-Demo for demo accounts
- Password:
- For Live accounts - you create the password when you open the account;
- For Demo accounts, passwords are sent to your email after opening the account. You cannot change Demo account password;
- For bonus accounts, usually, the account password isn't set, and you need to set it in the email received with M.Bonus login credentials. Alternatively, you can set it by using "Change password" feature. You can find it on the accounts page: click 3 dots - Change password
Please note the difference between Investor password and Account password: Investor password is used for "read only" access. To open deals, you will need to log in with an Account password. If you are unsure what your account password is, you can always use "Change password" feature.